When you are looking to purchase international travel medical insurance, visitors insurance, international student insurance, Schengen visa insurance or many such insurance plans, there are literally thousands of agents and web sites and there are also many insurance companies.
Many people ask us 'What is the advantage of buying from Insubuy®? Why should I buy from you?'
There are many advantages in buying from Insubuy® and no disadvantages, as described below in detail:
Lowest Price Guarantee
The biggest question that most people have is whether they can purchase it cheaper from any particular agent or broker or directly from the insurance company. That is not possible.
Insurance premiums are regulated by law and no one is allowed to offer any different price for the same insurance. The insurance premium is the same whether the plan is purchased directly from the company or through any broker like us, Insubuy®.
The price depends upon the product you would like to purchase, the policy maximum, deductible, the age of the person, any optional coverages and the exact duration of the insurance. As long as all of these parameters are the same, the price will be the same, no matter from where you purchase.
We are not allowed to charge even a single penny more (or less) than the prices determined by respective insurance companies. You get additional service at no additional cost to you.
Before Purchase Help
Longer Work Hours
Insurance companies (or Administrators) and most other brokers have limited office hours. Effective 2023, we are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Central Time. You can contact us at any time during these hours. Therefore, you get more customer support when it is convenient for you.
Your Well-Wisher
You don't have to shop around. We are a one stop shop. We offer all major international medical and travel insurance plans from many companies. Anyone that answers the phone calls at Insubuy® is a licensed and experienced insurance agent in Plano, Texas, USA (Dallas metroplex area). We would be able to suggest a plan that is most suitable for you. We have the experience and knowledge that assures that you are making the right choice for your unique set of circumstances and requirements. We always put your best interest before ours and we will always honestly suggest the most suitable plan to you. On the other hand, insurance companies will only talk the best about their own products, and some captive agents (as opposed to the brokers) work only for one insurance company and will only advise about one company's products.
We don't work for any particular insurance company, but for our clients, you.
Quick Expert Advice
You don't have to go through complicated phone menus nor do you have to be on hold forever or go through several departments and transfers before you get a chance to talk to a knowledgeable person. In over 99% of the time, we answer the phone calls immediately. In less than 1% of the time where we get a lot more calls than number of available agents, we will take a message (so that you don't have to hold) and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: In case of any natural or other disaster beyond our control, our services may be affected, but that has never happened in well over a decade that we have been in business.
Extensive Knowledge
With our extensive experience focused primarily on international medical insurance, we have prepared an extensive list of authentic information including quotes & comparison, guide, FAQs, tools and a lot of other information right here on insubuy.com in an easy to read and understand format, not found anywhere else on the internet. Such information is extremely valuable to you in making an educated decision.
Award Winner
We have won several awards from the insurance companies, and that shows that we are a market leader in this business, which is primarily due to our exceptional service.
Easy, Secure and Confident Purchase
insubuy.com is a GoDaddy secured web site and it is a certified TrustedSite (previously called McAfee SECURE).
Insubuy is the highest rated member of Better Business Bureau (BBB). We are rated A+ with BBB.
We are also verified business with Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corporation.
After Purchase Help
While most other brokers are only concerned only until you purchase, our help is not over once you purchase the insurance. If you need any help after purchasing the insurance, you can contact us.
Around 15% to 20% people write their U.S. mailing address wrong and therefore, don't get their ID cards and other policy documents (called fulfillment kit) by postal mail. We proactively check your U.S. mailing address with U.S. Postal Service and if it is incorrect, we will contact you to get that corrected and follow up with the insurance company to get you the fulfillment kit sooner. Of course, the fulfillment kit you received by email is equally valid if you don't get anything by postal mail. Additionally, most plans provide online documents as an option.
If you need any help in locating a provider in the PPO network, or getting the claim forms or something similar, you can visit our web site's MyAccount or call us.
If you need to get any changes made such as corrections (name, date of birth, address etc.), or you need to extend or cancel the policy or any other issues with your purchase, you can simply log in to MyAccount where you can submit your requests online; or contact us for help. Most other brokers leave it up to you to deal with the insurance company yourself as it does not make them any additional money by providing post-sale assistance. However, Insubuy® will gladly help you through virtually every request of yours, at no additional cost to you. After you have requested some help, we will get it completed through respective insurance company. If they don't do it promptly, we will follow up with them periodically and if necessary, we will escalate the matter to their higher authorities as needed. You don't have to worry about following up and we will communicate with you when it is taken care of.
We will remind you several times through email if your insurance is about to expire soon. Please make sure to put ycilop in your address book or in safe senders list to avoid it going into spam/junk/bulk folder. (Disclaimer: It is done on best effort basis. It is still finally your responsibility to make sure that you renew it before it expires, according to U.S. Eastern Time in most companies, as there is no grace period.)
Multilingual Capabilities
Insubuy is the only major travel and student medical insurance marketplace that provides end-to-end capabilities in English, Chinese and Spanish for quoting, comparison and purchase of insurance as well as online account management.
Insubuy also has licensed insurance professionals that speak fluent Spanish or Mandarin Chinese. For those who only speak Spanish or Mandarin Chinese, this is of immense help.
Self-Service Capabilities
Using MyAccount, you can easily manage your account including accessing all of your policy documents, submitting requests for changes and cancellation, as well as easily repurchasing either the same or another insurance plan, either for the same person or another person. You don’t have to reenter the same information twice, making it convenient and fast.
No Spam
When you purchase through Insubuy, we will never send you unrelated spam. We will never sell your information or give it to any third party, except in very limited circumstances, as described in our privacy policy. We will not send any spam about any related services, cross-selling or upselling. The primary communication you will receive from Insubuy will be directly related to your transactions such as confirmation of purchase, renewal notices, communication related to actions you initiate (such as requests for corrections, cancellations etc.)
Integrity of Customer Testimonials
At Insubuy, we cultivate integrity through our actions to ensure our reputation reflects our customers' satisfaction. We only want to receive testimonials that are truthful, unbiased, and reflect an individual's genuine experience. Unlike some of our competitors, we do not offer prizes or gift cards to receive endorsements because we want honest and unbiased representations from our customers.
Don't just take our word for it, read the reviews for yourself.
In short, we are here to help you at every step of the process, at absolutely no extra cost to you or at any disadvantage.
If you have anything else in mind that you would like to discuss further, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Can't find answers to your questions?
Ask our specialists - Licensed and experienced insurance professionals in the U.S.